Built Environment

Framing Material Choices in Architecture 


How can we make better building material decisions?

Explore the bigger picture. 

This research project delves into the transformative potential of framing material choices in architecture through the idea of Entanglement to promote social and ecological well-being. This project aims to create a series of questions and establish a variable framework to use as a catalyst to make more mindful material choices in architectural practice and acknowledge the large scale impacts of those choices. 
Recognizing the significant impact of material choices on the built environment, this projects aims to elucidate how architects can strategically utilize materials to enhance the overall regenerative, sustainable and societal benefits of their designs for both humans and more-than-human agents. The research employs the use of case study analysis to further ground and learn from projects on how material choices can have a big impact.

Using a literature review, case study analysis, interviews and diagrammatic investigation of systems, this projects seeks to understand and map the web of entangled relationships that shape the material choices in the built environment and the radical new potentials of thinking this way.  

By understanding these systems, the research aims to establish a foundation for a material informed design process that can be applied broadly in architectural practice. Ultimately, this research project aspires to plant the seeds for a paradigm shift in architectural practice towards a more conscious and intentional approach to material selection, fostering a healthier built environment that not only meets functional and aesthetic requirements but also contributes positively to the well-being of all life on the planet. 

Project by Hemi Patel 
MS-ARP Student 2024 // University of Minnesota

This project was conducted as a self-directed study in partnership with Cuningham between January 2024 - May 2024.

Doug Bergert    ///    Cuningham
Jessica Rossi-Mastracci    ///    UMN
Lucas Glissendorf    ///    UMN and Olsen & Kundig 

This project aims to address the catch 22 of material needs vs. material impact by bridging theory and practical decision-making to plant the seeds for future frameworks on how to make decisions on bio-based material choices in architectural practice.

Research Methods

This project utilizes a mixed methods approach.

Driving Questions 

Literature Review

This research begun with a literature review to understand the following questions: 

  1. What information is available on bio-based materials for designers? 
  2. How are material selections being made and thought of?
  3. What frameworks exist? 
  4. What information is available about how people are accessing bio-based material selection information?
  5. What holistic frameworks exist that suggest and support making material selection sooner?
  6. What bio-based materials are getting the most attention?
  7. What is the most common bio-based materials?
  8. What are bio-based materials? What exists and is being explored?
  9. How are people thinking about material informed design? What frameworks exist?
  10. How are marco systems being addressed in these micro decision processes? 
  11. What are the general impact potentials of using bio-based materials? 

Case Studies

Questions that pushed the inquiry of the  case studies to better ground the understanding of how material choices are informing built projects and their assoicated impact. 

  1. What drove the material selection in the selected case studies? 
  2. Client perspectives on the material selections? 
  3. How was that material selection supported?
  4. When did material selection happen?
  5. Is it part of something bigger? 
  6. What were the impacts of those material choices and were they intentional?
  7. How was academia / education involved in the material selection process? 
  8. Were any frameworks used in the design process?


The value perspective + experience. 
These interviews were semi-structured to guage honest and real experiences of the research, design and execution process. Some guiding questions depending on who was interviewed, included:

  1. What drove the material selection in the selected case studies? 
  2. How was that material selection supported through key decision making points?
  3. How were conversations with clients navigated? 
  4. What are some hurdles of bio-based materials you’ve experienced?
  5. How do you do learn about bio-based materials?
  6. What partnerships did you need to engage in to use this bio-material?
  7. What were you thinking about when making this material choice? 
  8. How was academia / education involved in the material selection process? 
  9. What holistic frameworks exist that suggest earlier material selection?

Existing Concepts / Methods/ Frameworks / Strategies / 

These terms—Concepts, Methods, Frameworks, and Strategies—often overlap but have distinct meanings and roles within various domains like business, academia, and problem-solving contexts.

  1. Concepts: These are abstract ideas or mental constructs that help in understanding phenomena or organizing knowledge. Concepts provide the foundational understanding upon which methods, frameworks, and strategies are built. For example, in economics, the concept of supply and demand is fundamental to understanding market dynamics.
  2. Methods: Methods are systematic procedures or techniques used to achieve specific objectives or solve problems. They are practical approaches to executing tasks or processes. Methods are often based on established principles and may vary depending on the context. For instance, in scientific research, methods could include experiments, surveys, or observational studies.
  3. Frameworks: Frameworks provide a structured way of organizing concepts, methods, and data within a particular domain. They offer a broader perspective and often serve as guides for decision-making or problem-solving. Frameworks can be conceptual, theoretical, or practical. For example, in project management, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) provides a framework that outlines various processes, inputs, tools, and techniques necessary for project managemen
  4. Strategies: Strategies are plans or approaches designed to achieve specific goals or objectives. They involve making choices about how resources will be allocated and actions prioritized to achieve desired outcomes. Strategies are typically based on analysis, evaluation, and decision-making within the context of a given framework. In business, for instance, a marketing strategy might involve targeting a specific market segment, positioning a product, and allocating resources to promotional activities.

How they work together:
  • Concepts provide the foundational understanding.
  • Methods offer practical ways to execute tasks or processes based on these concepts.
  • Frameworks provide structured guidelines or models within which concepts and methods are organized.
  • Strategies involve making decisions and plans within the framework to achieve specific goals or objectives.

In practice, they are interlinked: concepts inform methods, which are applied within frameworks, and strategies are formulated based on analysis within these frameworks. They work together to provide a comprehensive approach to understanding, problem-solving, and decision-making in various domains.


“Biomimetics is a methodology which seeks to artifically reproduce princples present in nature.” 
  • Nature replies on one main source of energy: solar energy 
  • Nature uses only the quantity of energy required
  • Nature adapts form to function 
  • Nature recycles everything
  • Nature bets on diversity 
  • Nature works fro local assessments 
  • Nature does not ‘go too far’, limiting its own excesses 
  • Nature uses constraints as a source of creativity 

Four Conditions to Achieve a Sustainable Society

  1. Do not take more out of the crust of the Earth than can be replaced.
  2. Do not use man-made materials wich take a long time to decompose.
  3. Maintain the conditions for Nature to keep its production and diversity.
  4. Use resources efficiently and correctly - stop being wasteful.

EPS - Environmental Account Method

The Environmental Account Method (EPS) is a systematic approach used to assess and account for the environmental impact of activities, products, or services. It involves quantifying the environmental footprint by considering factors such as resource consumption, emissions, and waste generation. EPS aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of environmental impacts to inform decision-making and promote sustainable practices. IVL, or the Swedish Environmental Research Institute, is known for its expertise in developing and implementing EPS and similar methodologies to support environmental management and policy development.

Environmental Preference Method

The Environmental Preference Method (EPM) is a decision-making approach that considers environmental factors and preferences when evaluating options or alternatives. It involves assessing the environmental impacts of various choices and determining the most favorable option based on ecological criteria. EPM integrates environmental considerations into decision-making processes, aiming to promote sustainability and minimize negative environmental effects. This method helps individuals, organizations, and policymakers make informed choices that align with environmental values and goals.

Ecoscarcity Method 

The Ecoscarcity Method is a concept developed to address the dual challenges of ecological sustainability and resource scarcity. It involves a comprehensive approach to managing resources and ecosystems to ensure their long-term viability. This method emphasizes the need to balance human activities with the capacity of ecosystems to support them sustainably. It focuses on strategies such as conservation, efficient resource use, and the promotion of renewable alternatives to mitigate the negative impacts of resource depletion and environmental degradation. The Ecoscarcity Method aims to foster resilience and harmony between human societies and the natural environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

“How Much Does Your Building Weight, Mr. Foster?” 

Sustainable Strategies for Re-materializing Construction

The Materials Book published by Ruby Press Berlin in late 2019  featured the essence of 22 Propositions as well as a selection of additional proposals to re-materialize construction derived from the findings of the Forum.

As the key input to the Holcim Forum “Re-materializing Construction”, the publication 22 Propositions offers strategies for both the material supply chain and material use in buildings. The propositions aim to “re-materialize” construction by rethinking the building material cycle from extraction to processing, design, transport, installation, maintenance, and removal.

  1. Know You Materials
  2. Do Not Forget CO2
  3. Produce Leaner
  4. Supply Better
  5. What Is the Labour Cost?
  6. Is the Price Right?
  7. Build Local Material Industries
  8. Mine the City
  9. Maintain or Renew, Reuse or Recycle?
  10. Designing for Nontoxicity: “Could I Eat Your Furniture, IKEA?”
  11. Simplify Material Labels
  12. Cross Loops
  13. Create Building-Component Exchanges
  14. Imagine a World without Waste
  15. Match Use Span 
  16. Design for Diassembly 
  17. Never Demolish, Always Transform 
  18. Rightsize 
  19. Embed Know-How 
  20. Make It Desirable 
  21. “If Less Is More, Maybe Nothing Is Everything”
  22. Share Functions
  23. Increase Waste Costs
  24. Act Collectively 
  25. Create Value 
  26. Change
  27. Localize
  28. Let Scarcity Be Your Inspiration 
  29. Communicate...Disseminate 
  30. Avoid Doing the Wrong Thing 
  31. Maximize Usage 
  32. Increase Awareness 
  33. Learn 
  34. Voice Your Opinion 
  35. Design For Time 
  36. Regenerate Natural Processes 

Cradle to Cradle 

Cradle to cradle is a holistic apporoach that applies to every type of system. 

It can be defined as the design and production of products of all types in such a way that at the end of their life, they can be truly recycled (upcycled), imitating nature’s cycle with everything either recycled or returned to the earth, directly or indirectly through food, as a completely safe, nontoxic, and biodegradable nutrient. 

With cradle to cradle, all the components of a product feed another product, the earth or animal, or become fuel: products are composed of either materials that biodegrade and become food for biological cycles or of technical materials that stay in closed-loop technical cycles, continually circulating as valuable nutrients for industry. It could be argued that cradle to cradle is equivalent to true sustainability – through the biological or technical components used, all products become sustainable as nothing becomes waste which cannot be reused.

Material Driven Design for Experiences (MDD)  

Material Driven Design for Experiences (MDD) is a design approach that prioritizes the use of materials as a primary driver in the creation of immersive and impactful experiences. Unlike traditional design methods where materials are chosen primarily for their aesthetic or functional qualities, MDD places a strong emphasis on the inherent properties and behaviors of materials as fundamental elements in shaping the overall experience.

In MDD, designers carefully select and manipulate materials to evoke specific sensory, emotional, and cognitive responses from users. This may involve considering factors such as texture, color, opacity, flexibility, and sound properties of materials, as well as their interactions with light, temperature, and other environmental factors. By harnessing the expressive potential of materials, designers can create multi-sensory experiences that engage users on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression.

Furthermore, MDD often involves a collaborative and iterative design process that integrates insights from material scientists, engineers, artists, and other specialists. This interdisciplinary approach enables designers to push the boundaries of material innovation and explore novel ways of incorporating materials into experiential design.

Overall, Material Driven Design for Experiences seeks to redefine the role of materials in design, moving beyond their utilitarian function to become active agents in shaping the user experience. By leveraging the unique properties of materials, designers can create immersive, memorable, and transformative experiences that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

Diagram: Karana. “Material Driven Design (MDD): A Method to Design for Material Experiences.”


This project is just a small step in a bigger conversation + mission to make better material choices for the well-being of the planet and all the living beings on it. 

There are many directions for new lines of inquires and possibilities from this initial work.
Primary future work and research to continue from what has been laid out includes the following:

  1. Further definition and analysis to how  variables operate within different realms of relationships

  2. Conduct more interviews to gain more insight and develop theme analysis

    Interviews with : Clients, Project Architects, Designers, Interior Designers, General Architecture Firm Staff, Professors, Students, Researchers, Engineers, Spec Writers, Policy People, Material Reps, Material Designers, Construction Managers, Construction Workers, Fabricators

  3. Develop the Entanglement Map in Kumu further by add questions to the map, more defintions, more links, and identifying barriers, hurdles, moments of conflict and synergy within the map to foster further research

  4. Create a mapped decision tree with the variables as a tool for analyzing the case studies 

  5. Develop the bio-based material database template and turn it and other relevant sources into a more refined toolkit

  6. Conduct more case studies on projects that utilize bio-based materials and conduct interviews with key people involved in the projects 


Exploring Material


The goal of this Entanglement Map is to establish a tentative, yet expansive cartography of the relationships around material choices in architectural practice. Mostly, this is an invitation to question, ponder on, evaluate, rethink, reimagine, and to amend what is being proposed.

Realms of Relationships 

To create better bridges to navigate.

The practice of architecture has specific realms of relationships with larger systems, building materials, education & the built environment.  The better we can understand these relationships, the better choices we can make. 


What hurdles, holes and opportunities exist within these systems?

Identifying and placing materials within larger ecologies and systems to help create a more comprehensive approach to navigating material choices.

Land, Resource, Economic, Industrial, Political, Social, Cultural Systems

How do material choices impact these larger systems and how do they impact materials?

Building Materials 

What are bio-based building materials?

Identify and clarify the development of bio-based materials discourse. 

How can the use of bio-based materials reorient us towards our connection with the planet? How can these material choices inform other forms of bio-inspired design? How do these materials differ? What conditions do they require? What setbacks and hurdles do they experience? 

Bio-Based materials are ‘wholly’ or partly derived from biomass
such as plants, trees or animals (the biomass can have undergone physical, chemical, or biological treatment - excluding those derived from fossil fuels. 



How do people learn about bio-based materials?

Identifying the role and importance of academic exploration in supporting the implementation of bio-based materials in projects.

How can/does academia, social media, conferences, peers, colleagues, media, foster or disable learning & exploring, support and drive change in practice to use bio-based materials? What gaps are there? What type of support is required? 

Built Environment

Rethinking built

The built environment may be defined as “[t]he human-made structures, features, and facilities created and maintained to support people’s life, work, and health, considered collectively as a distinct environment. Sometimes contrasted with natural environment” (“built environment” 2023).

How can new material realities help us re-imagine new thresholds between the “built” / “grown” / “natural”

Variables for Material Selection


These sets of variables have been identified through a literature review, the case studies, and interviews. The primary motive of identifying these variables to is understand how material selection proceses happen and in what ways. These sets of variables provide clarity into how material selection happens in architecture and how practice can push material variables closer to the beginning of the design process.

Decision Variables

[ These are the typical decision making variables identified in practice ]

  1. Narrative
    What narratives exist within this material in relation to the site?

  2. Aesthetics What are the aesthetic values and setbacks?

  3. Experience What is the material experience? How does it make people feel?

  4. Availabilty Is it available for purchase in your region?

  5. Applications What are this material's applications?

  6. Carbon What is this materials carbon footprint? What is embodied? Does it sequester? Does it store?

  7. Performance Does this material meet performance specs for the project?

  8. Properties What are relevant Acoustic, Chemical, Eletrical, Mechanical, Optical, Thermal, Etc... Properties?

  9. Cost  How far does this material need to travel to get to the site?

  10. Time  Time to produce, time for delivery?

Material Variables

 [ These are key material selection variables that should be considered ] 

* Note with every material variable there is a variable component that should be considered and measured if possible to consider the other carbon footprint of the project, much of that is housed in the material of the structure. 

  1. Agents What living agents are involved in the creation of this material? Consdier ethical labour practices, ethical co-design with other organisms and ethical partnerships. 

  2. Equiptment Can you identify if the equipment, tools & manufacturing practices involved to make this material are safe and sustainable? 

  3. Content What is the material made of? What biomass and processes make this material?

  4. LocationCan you identify where the raw materials are being sourced from + produced + transported to?

  5. TimeWhat is the time for growth, regrowth, production and transportion? How long will it last? 

Impact Variables

[ These are desirable impact varibles to consider for material selection ]

  1. Well-Being Does the use of this material promote ecological and social well-being?

  2. Socio-Cultural How does the use of this material impact the socio-cultural aspects of the building and site?

  3. Market Did this material support new emerging material markets locally/globally?

  4. End of Lifecycle What will happen to this material at its end of life?

  5. Ecology Does this material improve or negatively impact ecological systems?

  6. Resource Depletion What is the water and other natural resource depletion associated with this material?

  7. DurabilityLong-term impacts of this materials durabilty? How will it deterioate? Is it safe?

  8. CarbonWhat is the carbon impact?

  9. EnergyWhat is energy required to maintain this material?

  10. Performance Does this material perform as needed and improve the building system as a whole?

Projects are usually informed by key-decision making variables and impact variables.

Material Informed Design can possibly allow for more collaborative and impactful projects.